Instruments Technology



PT Thredio Engineering has successfully completed the project of installing Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) at 4 strategic points in Cirata Dam on May 30, 2023. The main objective of this project was to improve the surveillance and security of the area around the Cirata dam by preventing the entry of strangers or foreign objects into the restricted area.

The four CCTV installation points were carefully selected to provide optimal surveillance coverage:

    • Bottom Outlet: As the main point of the dam, surveillance here is essential to monitor the safety of the dam from below. By installing CCTV here, PLN Nusantara Power's cirata dam section can ensure that no people or foreign objects enter this vital area.
    • DRB (Dam Right Bank): This location is adjacent to a public highway, and at any given time there will be traffic from vehicles and the surrounding community passing this road. This makes it a strategic point to monitor activities around the public area that could potentially affect the safety of the dam. With CCTV here, movement and activity around the dam can be monitored live, allowing for a quick response to potential threats.
    • Bottom Post: This location is located at a post before entering the bottom outlet area. provides an important view of the surrounding environment before entering the bottom outlet By installing CCTV here, PLN Nusantara Power cirata dam section can monitor the potential entry of people or foreign objects from the direction of the bottom post to the Bottom Outlet.
    • DRB Post (Dam Right Bank Post): As another strategic location, the DRB Post allows surveillance of activities around the Dam Right Bank post, which can affect the stability and safety of the dam. By installing CCTV here, PLN Nusantara Power's cirata dam section can monitor the movement of passing vehicles and local residents in the public highway area. 

    In addition, all CCTV cables will be connected using fiber optic cables and routed to the Data Control Center (DCC) through an Optical Distribution Point (ODP). The use of fiber optic cable was chosen due to its high data transmission speed and capacity, as well as good reliability in various environmental conditions, thus ensuring the delivery of quality and stable CCTV signals to the Control Room.

    In the Control Room, the signals from the four CCTVs will be received and processed for monitoring by security operators. This enables the security team to respond quickly to situations that require action or intervention.

    As such, the installation of these CCTVs not only aims to improve surveillance and security around the Cirata dam, but also demonstrates PT Thredio Engineering's commitment to using the latest technology to ensure the effectiveness and reliability of surveillance systems.
